Creating Nutrition Rituals


You’re on your way, you’ve made your choice of a nutrition programme, you are full of enthusiasm, and you are going to stick to this, every day, until the end. You’re committed! Three days in and something’s not working, no time, you’ve forgotten something, or perhaps its just been a longer than average day at work!

How can you make it work for you?

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Create a Weekly Ritual

It’s all about creating habit-centred behaviours. Establishing good ones right from the start of any new challenge will become one of the biggest factors contributing to success over the course of the programme, together with evaluating and consistently making healthy choices in the future.

Let’s look at the shopping list and planning the week ahead? This is our first and most important weekly ritual to achieving consistency and having a feeling of power over any nutrition programme.

It doesn’t matter what day, or time of day, you set aside to do your shopping. What is important is that you make it a habit. Set a time when you can relax as you shop. There is nothing worse than the feeling of being rushed, darting up and down the aisles!

Second, start to set some side time aside on Sundays to prep what you can. This can be as simple as preparing vegetables or fruit, hard-boiling eggs, refilling the snack jar or batch cooking a few meals in order to have some really easy days.

Get settled with this for the first two weeks and then start to factor in what days you are training and how work is fitting in around things to build more into your food prep planning. After a while you will find doing this increases efficiency, decreases decision fatigue, and ensures that you’re set up for a great week of positive eating and training that is in balance with your work and life.


CrossFit Ickenham

Andy Stewart