Base Metabolic Rate?

This is an approximate calculation of the amount of calories that you body will consume each day in order to maintain your ability to sustain life, by that we mean things like breathing, blood circulation, processing our nutrition, and growth or repair (cell production).

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Andy Stewart
Nutritional and emotional inflammation

Inflammation in the body is not always a bad thing, but it’s good only when it's needed!

If we look at research there is a substantial body of evidence for the relationship between the foods we consume and a number of factors that actively contribute to inflammation within the body.

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Andy Stewart
The thirst for water!

It is not that surprising that many people mistake their body’s thirst signals for hunger. The cause is that thirst signals can sometimes be weaker. To figure out which it is, try drinking some water and waiting 15 minutes before reaching for a snack. If you’re actually hungry, you’re likely to feel a stomach pang. Being able to listen and give your body what it needs is an important part of staying healthy and managing your nutrition.

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Andy Stewart
Happy Hormone

I often use the analogy of “you cannot put petrol in a Diesel engine and expect it run as intended” when I talk about nutrition. The reality is it won’t work at all and will cost a lot of money to fix.

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Andy Stewart
Look beyond the numbers

You total bodyweight is the least interesting and irrelevant thing about you! Don’t get hung up on it and defiantly don't let it define you. I would guarantee that if we gave you your perfect body it would not weigh what you thought it did.

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Andy Stewart
Creating Nutrition Rituals

You’re on your way, you’ve made your choice of a nutrition programme, you are full of enthusiasm, and you are going to stick to this, every day, until the end. You’re committed! Three days in and something’s not working, no time, you’ve forgotten something, or perhaps its just been a longer than average day at work!

How can you make it work for you?

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Andy Stewart
Get a Sleep Plan

I can tell you that I was struggling with sleep. Anything between two to four hours a night was the norm. It had been like that for so long I just thought, “that’s how things are,” and accepted it.

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Andy Stewart
Do You Avoid or Achieve?

The most solid view of our psychology and how it is driven were outlined by Abraham Maslow through his ‘Hierarchy of needs’ (1954).

We use in Personal Coaching to assess and develop personal programmes for weight management, fitness and sports development.

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Andy Stewart
Are Nutrition Challenges Good?

A ‘challenge’ is just that, a ‘challenge.’ It has an end goal, a result! This is our first problem. The focus is on the short-term outcome, ignoring the all-important lifestyle changes needed to ensure long term nutritional habit change and success.

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Andy Stewart
How to Lose Fat, Right Here!

Believe you me, I’ve heard every request under the sun regarding how people would like to transform their body. Pointing to a specific part of their body and saying, “I want to lose this fat, this bit right here.”

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Andy Stewart
Kick-Start Your Fitness in 2021

The internet is a great thing, it can give you access to a lot of good information. But unfortunately, it’s also overwhelmed with poor, unqualified and misinforming advice from people who pass on what they have heard from a friend or saw it on another post!

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Andy Stewart