Your New Year Resolution, Will it Happen?


We have all done it. It’s New Year, we look at the 12 months ahead and say to ourselves, “This year, this year I’ll do it!”.

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Now, let’s be serious, how many times have you stuck with it? Look in the mirror, why do you make these commitments?  

Deep down you already know you won’t see it through, and you are already contemplating your failure. This is not an unusual problem; in fact, you share this with millions of others just like you that end up stumbling before they hit the end of January. It’s something know as ‘Parkinson’s Law’.

If this is not something you’ve heard of before it’s defiantly something we have all used, and exploited, at some time, consciously or not. It’s where we take a secondary activity and expand it to fill our free time, that time we allotted to that New Year’s resolution. Put simply, at some point in January you tell yourself ‘I can take this easy hit it hard later in the year. I have a whole 12 months to do it!”.

Does this mean you should never set big, long term goals? Of course, it doesn’t. What is does mean thou is, maybe you should set small, manageable goals instead of just focusing on that one big target. 

When it comes to getting fit, losing weight or making those lifestyle changes that always seem so hard, we all need help, professional help. A Personal Coach has the knowledge combined with years of experience that will help you break down that long term goal into the smaller, achievable steps in order to achieve you goal.

Let’s say you have the big target of losing 10kg this year. Make your first lifestyle change to eat one portion of vegetables at each meal for two weeks.

Achieve that and follow it with building up 45 minutes of exercise, twice a week then four times a week. Give yourself a big pat on the back and move on to the next small goal and the next one until all of a sudden you are looking back at your success, that 10kg weight loss.

Make 2021 a real year to remember. One where you didn’t fill your time to avoid New Year’s resolutions and that dreaded Parkinson’s Law. Go for short, sustainable and achievable goals and realise what you are truly capable of. 

If you need help, someone to help sort the wood from the trees or demystify all the advice you are pulling from the internet, schedule a goal setting appointment with a CrossFit Ickenham staff member (here).


CrossFit Ickenham


Inspiration provided by Brandon Brigman at


Andy Stewart