Aim for Progress Over Perfection


There is no such thing as perfect. There is always that extra tweak, that little change here or there.

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In relation to our health, that combination of nutrition and fitness especially has no perfect. We are fed a media diet and a world full of social expectation of what we should be, but the truth is so much of it is fake. A re-touched photo, an unsustainable fast or an unhealthy food intake.

So why do we do it? We do it because we are told it is the ‘perfect body’ image, it’s what other people expect of you, and it’s easy. We are made to feel guilty!

Because the ‘perfect’ we set ourselves is so high, we put off the first steps, play for time or drag out heels because the challenge is so immense in our mind. That desire for ‘perfection’ is something that holds us back, making you feel like you can’t achieve it. To let go of the concept of ‘perfection’ to focus on progress frees you and allow you to move forward.

I always approach my ‘perfect’ with the attitude of doing my absolute best. I don’t forget what I want, but I think more about the pursuit of personal excellence and how it fits into my world, the real world.

Look at that ‘perfect body, think about the nutritionists, the chefs preparing the food, the team of personal coaches, then everyone else that manages their life so they can do nothing else all day long other than focus on their perfect body.

Part of measuring progress is to establish markers, points of progress on our journey towards the goal. As humans we are great at ignoring the milestones we overcome as trivial while focusing on our lofty objective. We are impatient, expecting change to happen overnight. It happens so often in our lives that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. We stop before we even start.

Perfection is moving target. Create your fixed point and stick with it. When you get there, you can set another one, then another and so on, finally you will get where you want to be.

Now, be realistic and look at that objective. Set some SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-focused) that move you forward, that give you progression.

Above all, give yourself the credit for what you do. Not hitting this ‘perfect body’ is not a failure, so don’t beat yourself up about it. Keep a focus on the progress that you do achieve and celebrate yourself.

Let’s start striving to progress in steps, manageable goals, towards our objective rather than a giant leap for perfection. Consistency and attainable targets will take us further than any singular idea or goal of the ‘perfect body.’

Remember, perfection when it comes to our health and nutrition is just not possible. Set yourself up for success by giving yourself the space to eat the foods that don’t fit the “healthy” category and train in a way that makes you happy. Enjoy it and move on. Progress and consistency beat perfection any day.

If you need help, we are here. It’s our job to help create the plan, work out the details keep the motivation going. Schedule a goal setting appointment with a CrossFit Ickenham staff member (here) and start progressing towards that ‘perfect.’

CrossFit Ickenham


Andy Stewart