Olympic Weightlifting is…

…performing the two Weightlifting movements, the snatch and the clean and jerk.

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Both are a full-body, fun, intense full body workout that gets your legs, glutes, back, abs, shoulders and arms all at the same time. You burn a lot of calories during your workouts in a short amount of time. Olympic lifts are a great way to decrease body fat, build muscle, increase strength and maximise your time strength training. These movements produce some of the highest power outputs in all of sport. Incorporating the Olympic lifts into workouts is the most effective way to build power and speed. 

Monday: 7:00pm
Wednesday: 5:00pm
Saturday: 9:30am

Olympic Weightlifting also has the added benefit of causing a range of positive changes to your body when programmed correctly into your training. Improving strength, speed and power as well as enhancing high-intensity exercise endurance, reducing recover time and handle and increasing work capacity. You can do more, reaching your health and fitness goals faster. 

As full-body movements that target the whole body they promote flexibility and stability across joints multiple joints through compound movements. Incorportating the Olympic lifts in training and improving flexibility, strength, and stability, can greatly reduce susceptibility to injury.

This is one of the best activities for women. Strengthening bones is critical to prevent and protect against osteoporosis. The large, naturally functional movements produced  on the legs, spine, and arms are precisely what is needed to stimulate the body to lay down new bone and improve bone density.

Strong is the new skinny; as your strength physically increases, it will seep into every aspect of your life. As you master new skills you see what your body is capable of achieving. Lifting weights with speed and technique is a massive addition to your confidence in and outside the gym.

Both in sport and life, we are rarely require strength when stationary. Olympic lifts provide strength and stability around major joints at speed, enabling the body to remain stable and safe in our dynamic daily life – truly functional exercise.