Give your child the gift of health!


It is proven that our exposure to situations form our views and behaviours. It’s also clear that no two individuals will respond in the same way. On finishing second is one may have feelings of failure while the other success at achieving so much. One may be driven to try again to gain first place the other deflated and not give up.


Creating positive attitudes and behaviours towards health and fitness are vital in achieving a long and active life in which we can use the education we value so highly for our children in modern society.

It is important to find community- and generation-wide health and fitness activities, where as adults, we become the role models and educators for a long life of health and fitness in younger generations.

These are not activities where we stand on the side-lines, these are activities where we take part with and as an equal, where learning and effort are shared. They are activities that promote natural functional movement and skills: running, jumping, pushing, pulling climbing, throwing, etc.

The challenge, in a world geared more to social image and online gaming, is to find a gym that focuses on providing positive attitudes and behaviours towards health and fitness through programmes that span generations and abilities. 

If you need help, we are here. It’s our job. Schedule an appointment with a CrossFit Ickenham staff member (here) and start building that life full of positiveness for you and your family.


CrossFit Ickenham

Andy Stewart